
About Us

Over the years, Webwheel has evolved into a strategic business partner that offers transparency, ease of transition, and most importantly, improved return on investment. Our focus is to offer our partners and their clients flexibility, accuracy, and unsurpassed service.

In 2005, we began to outsource IT professionals, today we offers the same solutions but has expanded our service line to over 5 service offerings.
Webwheel Technologies & Consultancy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Webwheel Technologies Ltd Company Reg No 13740583 based in the UK and led by a team of professionals. We have been serving our valued clients for more than 15 years UK & globally.

Why Choose Us

We have a strong

values-driven culture


We have the expertise to provide professional services during project lifecycle. Our process starts with identification and analysis of the market, studying different factors on how the business will leverage over its direct and adjacent competitors. After deep and thorough research, we develop a strategic roadmap to structure initiatives and projects. Once strategic road map is finalized, we move to design and development process to achieve the very specific business goals. After accomplishment of above process, we finally launch & monitor the progress on real-time basis.

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“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success."

– Henry Ford


What Says

Our Happy Clients